Even though the name might sound like it’s some kind of dessert, Twistys is actually a website that features thousands of hardcore sex videos. And it isn’t just some random website that churns out low quality content. You should know that Twistys has been around since 2003. That means you’ll be getting videos that are made by a porn site that has more than a decade’s worth of experience.
Once you sign up for a Twistys membership, you’ll get access to more than 8,000 videos, the newer ones being in Full HD while the older ones are understandably in SD format. You can’t really blame them for hosting SD resolution videos since it was actually the highest quality possible back in the day. You’ll also be getting access to almost 19,000 photo galleries, with each averaging around 115 images per set, all of which are easily downloadable as ZIP files. And if you think that those numbers are already huge, think again! Signing up for a Twistys membership entitles you to access to two other websites within their network, namely When Girls Play and Mom Knows Best. You’d basically be getting content that will last you more than a couple of lifetimes!
As for the Twistys website, the interface is organized in a way that would make it easy for you to find videos based on your preferences, regardless of what device you are on. And yes, that means the website is also mobile-friendly. You’ll be able to browse videos using a variety of sorting options, categories, and tags. You can also rate, comment, and mark videos as favorite once you’re done watching them. So if you want only the best quality porn that features the hottest pornstars in the industry, your best bet would be to sign up for a Twistys membership today!
Twistys Stats