Stranger Porn

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‘No strings attached’. This particular line basically tells you that you can do whatever you want, without thinking about the consequences after. No commitment, no duty, no obligation, no responsibility. It actually sounds nice, depending on what exactly you are referring to. If it’s about a company’s responsibility to you as an employee, them having ‘no strings attached’ would surely make you worry because they might not hold onto their own end in their obligations to you. But if it’s something like getting some sort of service that you can terminate whenever you wish, then this ‘no strings attached’ policy would definitely benefit you.

Anon Porn

There are lots of possible applications for this particular agreement, but the one thing that this line particularly benefits both parties would be when it comes to sex. What if you could do it with anybody, then just casually leave afterwards? Wouldn’t that be awesome? You’d get to fuck someone who isn’t in a relationship with you, and is just there purely for sex. It benefits both parties as you are not held up to be with one another after sex. ‘Fuck buddies’, as they are usually referred to, are people who have sexual relationships with people they don’t consider as their partner (i.e. girlfriend or wife). They can have sex with each other, whenever and wherever they want, but with the added benefit of being able to sleep with other people as well. No hard feelings if she gets in bed with another guy, because you too, can sleep with another woman. No emotional commitments necessary, and it would still work.

Now, why not turn it up a notch and do it with someone totally random? A stranger who you’ve just met in a local bar. You don’t know a thing about that person, and neither do they about you. Having sex with them would surely be one hell of an adventure, given that you both don’t know what each other’s preferences are when it comes to doing it. It’s exciting but at the same time scary, as you don’t know if you’ll be satisfied with her, or her with you. But that’s the thing! You don’t really need to think about it at all! After all, once you’ve finished having sex with that stranger, you won’t be able to see her again, ever. Well, unless you accidentally run into her in the future, that is. But since you’re just doing it on the spur of the moment, those things don’t matter at all.

Having sex with strangers sounds fun and exciting, but it also carries certain risks like your partner having diseases and transmitting them to you during sex. To prevent that risk, your best option to feel the thrill of doing it with a complete stranger is by visiting PORN.COM. Sure, these videos might be scripted, but it would still stir your imagination about how it would be if ever you were the one getting in bed with random strangers. Stranger porn is here to give you that unexplainable buzz that you can only get when having sex with random people you’ve only met somewhere, but without the risks.

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