Perverted Porn

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No matter what they say, it has already been proven that all people have at least a little bit of horniness in them. In the first place, the urge of wanting to have sex isn’t there because humans are savages. It’s because humans have basic instincts for survival. Wanting to have sex is one of the many instincts that any and every human being has. After all, the human race wouldn’t have been able to survive at all if they weren’t able to reproduce this much at this rate. Those who shame perverted people are just hypocrites, as they too have sexual urges that they just hide to look clean and innocent. So don’t be scared to admit that you are in fact a perverted being. Because each and every individual is a pervert, there’s just a degree as to how open they are to show it in public.


Usually, it’s the men who are more open to being perverts. They ogle at women’s breasts whenever they have the chance. Having sex is a daily goal for men, and that’s only because they love the feeling of doing it and not because they want to make a family. Women, on the other hand, are more discreet when it comes to admitting that they do have sexual urges themselves. It’s because there is a negative perception almost everywhere that when a woman is open to her sexuality, she is automatically a slut. Basically, she’s considered a door with a faulty lock. That same lock can be opened by any key, which in this case would be any man. It’s actually unfair because when men sleep around, they are considered as legends or players. In the door lock’s sense, a man who sleeps with different women is likened to a master key that can open any door. People need to change that point of view regarding sexuality because it is not a crime to love sex. But judging other people when they basically aren’t doing anything to hurt the ones around them might escalate into hate, which ultimately can push someone to commit a hate crime against promiscuous people.

Being perverted does have some cons, as some people can’t seem to stop themselves from expressing their being perverted even in times when it is inappropriate to do so. A person should also have self-control, as it would only either be your own partner, or someone who’s looking to have a casual hookup who wants someone as perverted as them to make advances that would lead to sex. You should know when and where it is okay to open up yourself and let loose so that you could satisfy your sexual urges. Now, one of the ways that you could do to help control your urges is to keep it to yourself. But that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to express it at all. There are other ways to fulfill your sexual needs without stepping on other people’s toes. And one of the best ways would be to visit PORN.COM, as there are countless perverted porn videos available there that could definitely quench your thirst for sexual pleasure.

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