Nature Porn

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The porn industry is not just culturally relevant nowadays; they are also being socially relevant by trying to save the earth from all its ills. There is no doubt; Mother Nature needs every person on earth to help stop her demise.  Definitely, everyone has had a hand in destroying nature, and everyone has to make amends and put in his and her utmost effort to rescue her.Nature porn has never been as timely as it has now.  The ozone layer is thinning, carbon footprints are increasing, there are lesser trees, and animals and insects are getting extinct.  Porn fans have called for a sense of responsibility among producers of porn films, and thankfully they have responded by producing quality porn movies that are friendly to Mother Nature. It’s time to fuck like Captain Planet!

Natural Porn

Nature’s situation is indeed very urgent.  Her condition got so bad very fast. Experts say this deterioration began only in the 1900’s, at the beginning of the industrial revolution.  Imagine that; mankind has walked the earth for thousands of years, yet Mother Earth never had any problems with our ancestors. Man and nature co-existed peacefully.  Was it because men have not yet advanced as far as ability to think is concerned? Probably. Technological advances and the deterioration of the environment both happened at the same time.  What took millions of years to cultivate was destroyed in just a hundred years.  

Somehow, the porn industry is also a part of this.  They are guilty of leaving their carbon footprints each time they make a sex movie.  They have definitely contributed to the amount of carbon dioxide and other carbon compounds each time they consume fuels from the cars, airplanes, and helicopters they use for travelling from one location to another.  If you have noticed, many of their locations are in hotels that are located in exotic beaches or in fantastic mansions built in the mountains. This means that they have helped encourage the cutting of trees in the mountains, or pollute the beautiful waters in many beaches.  While this unfortunately still happens, you can see that more and more sex videos are being shot outdoors close to nature.These nature porn videos not only feature amazing sex between a hot woman and her male fuck buddy, but also the beauty of Mother Earth.  Many scenes feature sex by the shore. With the soothing, calming effect of the waves splashing nearby, the fuck buddies engage in incredble sex.  While the sand obviously can be uncomfortable – with some of it getting in the pussy – it does not get in the way of their pleasure. Sometimes, they even do it in the water, making for an exciting sex trip.

Nature porn also means fucking in the forest.  Snow White fucked her huntsman there to get away.  It is always nice to fuck in a forest, something that every men out there would want to try. If you are a porn fan and would want to help save Mother Nature, you should switch to nature porn videos.  Remember, the more people who watch nature porn, the more these producers will produce them. Catch them all at PORN.COM, where the most complete set of nature porn videos are.

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