Lube Porn

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Lubricants are very important in day-to-day life. No matter what it is, as long as it involves things that need to have smooth surfaces in order to function properly, then putting lube on it does significant aid in making it easier to do. Things like doors, locks, and even your car are items that need some good ol’ lubin’ to make the ride as smooth as possible. And yes, it might sound naughty, because it certainly is especially if you’re talking about sex. Lube is needed to make her hole slippery enough for you to stick your dick in it. But lube isn’t just used to make her hole smooth and slippery, no, because there are other parts of her body that would be better off getting lubed if you wanted to.

Lube Sex

A woman’s vagina produces natural lubricants when she becomes aroused and excited. That’s the reason why foreplay is such an important part of sex because, without it, both you and she would have a hard time once you try penetrating her pussy with your cock. But unfortunately, there are girls who just can’t produce enough of that lady juice to make her passageway just wet enough so that there won’t be too much friction when you go in and out of her. In times like this, it’s nice to have enough lube on hand so that you could still make her wet down there. Your saliva just won’t cut it, because spit isn’t supposed to lubricate a woman’s pussy at all.

Lube is also important when she has already given you the go signal to enter her through the backdoor. Unlike vaginas, butts don’t really get wet because they’re not meant to be penetrated by penises. But since there are lots of adventurous people who have tried and succeeded in putting it in their asses, anal sex has become a more and more common sex act as well. Putting lube on her butthole before you push it in is mandatory unless she’s brave enough to take your whole dick inside her ass dry.

There are also people who just have too much money on their hands that they buy lots of lube to pour all over their bodies when they have sex. Well, it’s actually a fun experience given that it’ll be extra slippery when you rub your body against hers. It’s definitely gonna leave a lot for you to clean up after doing the deed, but getting lube all over your bodies don’t just make it easier for you to slip it in and out of her, as the added fun in playfully rubbing your whole torso up and down on her with the added smoothness is all worth the cleanup.

Lube might have been widely used just a few decades ago, but it doesn’t mean it won’t enhance you and your partner’s experience when you use it during sex. In fact, it opens up a lot of positions that are sexually satisfying and fun at the same time. And who wouldn’t want to see her sexy body shine and glimmer because of all that lube on her body, right? If you haven’t tried using excessive amounts of lube during sex, you should at least see it all happen when you check out PORN.COM for all the lube porn videos that you could watch.

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