Lesbian Fisting

144,488 Videos

Getting bored of random dicks popping out in sex videos? Too much masculine energy for you to get off? Here is a solution—have you ever tried getting into lesbian porn? Ironically this kind of porn is not really directed towards women or lesbians, it is mostly for horny men. Men love any kind of lesbian action, lesbian couples are highly sexualized and can you blame them? A lesbian porno practically means two sets of tits, two pussies, to pair of ass cheeks! Lesbian porn is a staple and reasonable favorite of straight men. Of course in real life it is such a shame if a hot lady is not after any kind of dick but she is also desired by straight men because she is fueling their lesbian porn fantasies.

Lesbian Fist Porn

On PORN.COM you will find so many lesbian sex videos of different kinds! One popular category is the lesbian fisting. You would think how does a lesbian couple in a porn finish sex without the presence of a cock? The answer is not a dildo or a vibrator—another alternative is fisting. Yes, lesbians are not just all about fingering and rubbing and scissoring. They can also penetrate each other through inserting their hands in a fist form insider each other’s pussy. You may think it is hard to do but even straight couples do fisting! The thing about fisting is that once you are inside, you can control how you make her feel—reach and touch places you have yet to touch and perform any finger action that a dick cannot obviously do. A dick does not have as much freedom as a fist inside the pussy does. A dick can barely move on its own inside the wet pussy without the motion of the upper body of the man, whereas a fist have its own nerves to actually perform some nasty actions insider. Moreover, in lesbian sex, women know their bodies better so it is easier for them to know the weak spots or the spots they know will met their partners.

Lesbian sex is all about satisfaction and genuine pleasure—unlike in straight sex wherein sometimes the man can barely pleasure the woman. In lesbian porn, you will witness how they improvise the absence of a cock. You will notice how playful they get and how they look being genuinely pleasured. Lesbian porn is a pussy heaven for the abundance of the pussy and tits—two pairs of bouncing dick and the arm of the female porn star shoved up another female porn star’s pussy is all you will ever need to get off tonight.

Do not worry for feeling girly once you start fetishizing this kind of porn. A lot of straight men actually view this kind of porn—the reason why the storylines are more catered to men than actual lesbians. You are absolutely not alone in getting off to ladies making themselves feel better. If you are tired of dicks not your own in porn, then you should definitely check lesbian fisting porn for better fap material!

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