Vampire Porn

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Vampires are probably the ultimate sex symbols in history. They are dangerously attractive. From Bella Lugosi to Christopher Lee's Dracula, until the more modern vampire Edward Cullen portrayed by Robert Pattinson, vampires have captured the hearts and imagination of men, women, and gays. Men wanted to be like them, or at least have their allure. Women wanted to be bitten by them, and be with them forever. Gays want to give them a blowjob and fuck them from behind. Of course, it is impossible for gays to do that, but there is always that next best thing: vampire porn movies.

Gay Vampire Porn

Vampires have always been gay icons, as they have always been present in the cultural landscape each time there are carnal crises. It is not just in the movies that vampires have been unstoppable and immortal; they have withstood the test of time and no amount of censures from state or religion were able to contain them. Fascination with vampires is often described as the weirdest passion that all men, women, and gays have ever known.

Dracula is the most popular vampire of all time. A little background on Dracula in the movies Dracula is the epitome of evil, but do you know that Dracula rescued Universal Pictures from ruin in 1931? The movie that starred Bella Lugosi captivated moviegoers' imagination and their hard-earned money. The movie became a hit and earned Universal Pictures millions of dollars. That was when the love story with vampires began to go full swing. After Bella Lugosi retired, Christopher took over, with the same result.

This love story with Dracula, and vampires in general, extends to the porn industry, which is a great idea. Porn fans love vampires fucking fellow vampires, humans, werewolves, and other supernatural beings you can imagine. Gay vampires are very hot, sexy, and fuckable. Every member of the gay community imagines fucking Dracula. Most vampire gay porn movies star twinks. Twinks are perfect for vampire porn. They are white boys in their early twenties, hairless, not so muscular, and obviously fresh. Come to think of it, Dracula and his vampires are the older versions of twinks; they share the same qualities, except for the age.

There is one interesting sex video that you can find in PORN.COM wherein a sexy twink gives a vampire a blowjob. The video is shot in black and white, which gives viewers an authentic feel. It is like watching a sex video that was produced at the same time as Bella Lugosi's, so you get that eerie but exciting sexual feeling. In this movie, the sexy twink gives the hot vampire an extremely satisfying blowjob. He licks the vampire's balls, up to the shaft, to the top. He then puts the head first in his mouth, savoring all the goodness of the vampire, and slowly the rest of the cock follows in. The vampire screams with pleasure as he is being given the blowjob. Watch this and more only at PORN.COM, where the best vampire porn movies are. Enjoy!

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