Tricked Porn

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Nobody wants to get tricked in real life, getting tricked into sex is basically emotional manipulation that may lead to unwarranted and unsolicited sex. But of course, porn does not fail to romanticize this whole thing—sometimes our most questionable fetish and kinks just cannot be said out in the open. It may be immoral or straight up or borderline taboo—anyways, one of the most popular "Safe" choices is tricked porn. So what exactly is tricked porn? It basically refers to the kind of porn wherein the plot is about being manipulated into any kind of sexual act. In gay porn, it may be about just a casual gay man who calls the plumber or electrician and asks for his services at home. As soon as the worker comes inside, and as soon as he bends over to fix the sink—or stands on a chair to fix the cable wires, the gay man who called for his services starts to feel him up. Of course, initially, he brushes this off as a potential accident but things escalate quickly just when he starts to zip down his pants and or grinds against his butt. He is effectively being tricked into sex!

Gay Tricked Porn

Why would anyone enjoy this you ask? Well first, this is about powerplay. Effectively tricking someone into sex can be hot and sexy because it makes you feel desirable—your horny advances are being reciprocated so you feel powerful and attractive. This kind of feeling ignites something in each one of us, not just gay men. Gay men are especially fetishizing this kind of plot because of their unmatched libido and sexual stamina, they can easily be horny and have a hard-on. Moreover, everyone just seems to enjoy spontaneous sex or the kind of sex that is not planned, one that suddenly happens with no welcome, no invite. A sexual ambush. Of course in real life, this cannot just simply happen unless you are both horny and hot at the same time in the right place. So porn is here to save that fantasy of yours! In the world of porn, being tricked into sex is hot and sexy. The person being tricked does not feel assaulted in any way and eventually succumbs to the please, he may be initially surprised but sooner he will ride along with the other horny guy.

All of us have been horny in inappropriate places, and then we wish we can get over the feeling with a stranger who simple agrees. Surprising someone with a sexual attack is hot only in porn and not in real life. In porn, the other person is just equally as horny—it is the ideal world indeed. So, in PORN.COM you can look yourself for a long list of sex videos that have characters being tricked into sex and penetration! Keep this silly fantasy of yours for yourself and jerk off to the thoughts of someone eventually agreeing to be ambushed. Massage and stroke your fat cock with ripping pre-cum at the tip, off to these guys who are just too horny and kinky at the same time!

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