Straight Guy Porn

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Gay men are always stereotyped as liking men who are straight. For some reason, the idea of a straight man being attracted to a gay man is sort of hot—it just fuels one's confidence and esteem. Especially gay viewers who jack off to this kind of porn, the idea of being wanted and preferred to girls by straight men is just extremely arousing. Straight guy porn often refers to sex videos of two men with one being evidently gay—as shown by mannerisms and actions, and the other as straight and manly, obviously. In a lot of straight guy porn, the plot is usually about a heterosexual man who is naive and ignorant about gay sex. Meaning, initially he does not like what is happening, because it is new and raw and foreign to his feeling. This is where the gay dude comes and leads him, carefully as to not scare him off. He makes him calm and sure he will have a good time, even better than when he is doing it with women. With women, the straight man would have to be the one to lead and guide. There is a heavy pressure put on their backs to give good performance in bed that it sometimes becomes all about just impressing the woman and not actually having fun. But in gay sex, the gay man despite being the bottom—can quite kind of lead and guide the sex. Of course, this is only in the initial part because the straight men are still shy and innocent to such an act—once he gets the grasp of it, the straight man may feel manly again and get a hold of the situation. This is how straight guy porn thrives, the feeling of making a straight guy curve for you is just purely rewarding. It is as if you were that hot and desirable. It is hot because the straight guy is not a hundred percent sure with what he is doing—if this is right or wrong—but eventually succumbs to the euphoria anyway.

Curious Guys

Another thing about straight guy porn is that gays tend to have lots of anal sex. This is how they achieve penetration if not done through blowjobs or handjobs. Straight men find this incredibly hot because women in both porn and in real life—are quite iffy about anal sex. It is a hit or miss for a lot of women because it hurts and it is dry. But men enjoy anal a hell lot because it is tighter and the butt is generally hot and arousing. So, straight men would definitely enjoy being with a gay man because they can have as much anal sex as he wants. Their stamina and libido almost match and so it will not be hard for one of them to keep up with the energy and enthusiasm of the other. Men are known to be horny a lot of times, either straight or gay so being attracted to each other eventually is never an issue. If you enjoy such kind of kink, you may want to visit PORN.COM to view only the best straight guy porn!

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