Sloppy Sex

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When it comes to sex, you would always want it to be dirty, messy, and sloppy. The sloppier, the better even! If you think about it, it's impossible to have sex without being messy at the very least. All that sweat, that saliva, bodily fluids like piss and cum, and there's also the occasional shit, especially if you and your gay lover are both into having anal sex. You can clean up afterward, but it would be impossible not to release at least one of those mentioned above when doing the dirty deed. And that's the beauty of sex! You aren't just physically naked along with your equally naked partner during sex. You both bare your souls out to each other, becoming one literally and figuratively. And with all that, it's impossible for you or your partner to not break a sweat, to not get saliva on each other, especially when you two kiss, and it's certain as hell that you won't choose to skip orgasm altogether, because that is what your main goal is. Cumming, reaching nirvana, feeling heaven on Earth, all of those things are what you consider as the end game when having sex, no matter how fast or how long it takes before either of you busts a nut.

Gay Sloppy Sex

Sloppy blowjobs are very enjoyable. The liquids that come out of the initiator would be sweat and saliva. You would definitely want to spit on your partner's dick so that it would go in and out of your mouth as smooth as possible. On the other hand, all that stimulation down his crotch would surely signal his body to produce precum. And of course, being in a hot, fiery, passionate situation like that, he would surely sweat it out as well, even if he's just sitting or lying down there. Intense, right?

Now that you've both put each other's dick in one another's mouth, it's only a matter of time before one of you bends over backward to signal that the other one should prepare to enter the twilight zone. If you're not doing it sloppily enough, then you would really have a hard time penetrating his ass, and that's for sure! A human's butthole cannot produce natural lubricants for sexual penetration. So if your penis and his backdoor passageway aren't wet enough for it, then there would be serious friction between your dick and his ass. That's not something that either of you would enjoy!

And for the main event. Orgasm, cumming, busting a nut, whatever you want to call it. This is the messiest of them all if you compare each and every stage of having sex. Why is that, you ask? Well, unless you decide to shoot your seed inside his anus, then you're risking getting your semen all over the place, especially if you really had a good time. Even if you point the tip of your dick at his face, there's no guarantee that you'll be able to handle the recoil when it all finally comes out. And if you're in a place where you can't mess anything up, then your next best bet would be to check out PORN.COM for all the sloppy sex videos until you get your fill!

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