Shy Porn

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Face it, a lot of people out there aren't really good at opening up to others, especially those who they have just met. Being shy is a trait that doesn't really help you at all, because it's something that usually stops you from talking to others. But after all of that, there is still something good about being shy. You might not be able to go out on your own and mingle with other guys, as you won't have enough courage to even approach them head-on, but there are those who find shy people more attractive. And not just in the sense of their appearance or their looks. It's more than they are sexually attracted to people who aren't outgoing because usually, people like that are wilder in bed.

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When you get in bed with a shy guy, don't be dismayed if he just won't talk for the first few minutes, especially if you both haven't started yet. Take your time and let him feel comfortable, that way, he'll be able to gradually open up to you until such time that he could unleash the beast that is hiding inside him. Most shy and silent guys are the complete opposite when they've finally shown their true colors, and there's a big chance that the guy you brought home is just as wild, if not wilder than what you're usually used to. He might be just sitting there in the corner as if he's waiting for something to happen, but he's actually just assessing the current situation, checking to see if this is an ideal place for him to let loose and just show you how much of a sex fiend he really is. Maybe he just needs some warming up? It's best that you liken them to cars, as you would need to warm their engines up before you can safely drive them on the road. It's the same concept, warming up the engine, riding them until you finally get to your destination. But this time, it's not a place that you'd want to go to, but a state of your body, which in this case would be reaching orgasm. Sure, he might not show any interest in you now, but just ask yourself - why did he go with you in the first place? So why not take the first step and show him that he doesn't need to feel uncomfortable around you. But on the other hand, that same shyness that he's showing you right now is the main reason why you chose to bring him home instead of some other guy who is openly announcing that he can be taken home tonight. It's more challenging and more satisfying to be able to start him up so that he would show you just how much lust runs through his veins. You'd be surprised, as he could potentially outmatch you in that department easily. So remember, shy guys, are wilder than those who prefer to show the world that they're easy to get in bed with. And you'll know just how it is by visiting PORN.COM and watching all the shy porn videos available there.

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