Short Hair Porn

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More often than not, what people perceive as the feminine is having long silky hair. But for the gays, men with short hair looks neat and clean, it makes them look fresh and thus more appealing sexually speaking. Short hair porn in the gay community refers to men with a meticulous and neat haircut, short and clean rather than your usual messy, tousled hair popular among straight white men. This one is more military—nothing coming in your mouth or eyes when you make out or messing around. The reason why haircut is popular among porn viewers is that it sorts of giving you minimal difference for when you watch adult contents, it gives personality to the porn stars. Deep inside, we get tired of porn and its repetitive storylines which make you want to crave something deeper—it is indeed easier to jerk off to an actual individual than just two random strangers. 

Gay Short Hair

Personality is important in porn because when you masturbate you tend to project your imaginations, perhaps you can imagine that you are having sex with the gay porn star or that the entire situation makes you horny, and these situations would only exist if the characters had actual personalities. As an example, short hair gay porn stars may mean that they are a little bit effeminate or that they are still in the closet, maybe they are responsible or leader material, maybe they follow the rules and a good follower instead, or perhaps they are metrosexual or those people who pay a lot of attention to their overall hygiene and how they appear in public. Short hair can mean a lot of things in porn to a personal level to you and it helps the porn appear not just a video of two gay men having sex. For this reason, having short hair in porn or any minor detail added to its characters may men that you do not really have to watch porn with a plot. That the sex part is already enough for you to understand and grasp the dynamic between the two gay porn stars. When you see a short-haired gay, what do you usually associate him with? Is he a top or a bottom? While having a short and clean haircut may mean that he got his life together, having this short hair also screams bottom. It is like they are still a bit immature and not rebellious like they follow the authorities and would be scared to stand out in the crowd. For this reason, they also seem to appear submissive and would let their gay partners dominate them in bed and fuck their brains out. Moreover, having short hair may also mean their crotch area is also shaved or at least has little hair—very good for a blowjob so it will not get in the way. Short hair porn is a popular search term for a lot of gay men who want to view porn and relief themselves of this sexual stress. Help yourself cum to these neatly cut hot gay men on PORN.COM as well!

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