Sensual Sex

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When was the last time that you stopped moving so fast just so that you could appreciate everything around you? In this day and age, everything is fast-paced. Are you hungry? Just order online and get food delivered to your doorstep in less than thirty minutes! Can't commute to your work because of the heavy rains? Telecommute and do finish your tasks from your home! Need to buy groceries? There's an app for that, no need to drive to your nearest grocery store to buy them. Need a date for tonight? Just swipe right and for sure, you'll find someone in no time! People have become too busy with a lot of things in their life that there's no time for them to just slow down and savor every moment of what they are doing. Sadly, this way of thinking has extended to things that should be enjoyed in the first place. Sex is one of the things that people have taken for granted, and it's sad that even with that, the connection is not what it used to be. Skipping foreplay and just putting on lube so that you could easily penetrate that ass and cum moments after. It's like people prefer convenience over experience, but the good thing is that there are still people who do it the old fashioned way.

Sensual Gay Sex

Having sensual sex is definitely something that a lot of people have not been doing as looking for a partner today is as easy as ordering food online. People prefer to have meaningless sex with different partners as compared to being sensual with just one. Sex has become like collecting cards, you earn more respect from your peers if you've had sex with more guys than them. But that shouldn't be the case at all. Sex should be enjoyed as how it is - with love, lust, and passion. People who agree to this are able to enjoy sex more as they really feel that connection with their partner when they do it.

Make out with him, put your tongue inside his mouth, let it slide in and out all while your hands are making their way down his pants, slowly opening his zipper until it's just his boxers that separates you from his dick. Pull it down as low as you can, then stroke his cock until it hardens up. Slowly make your way down his crotch to put his penis inside your mouth. You hear him moaning, you suck harder. You do it slowly, but surely, not stopping until he bursts inside your mouth. Now, it's his turn to do the same to your already throbbing stick. He also makes sure that you release that semen that has been sitting inside your balls for quite some time. All that hot and steamy action, and you haven't even stuck your dick inside his butthole yet! Doesn't it all sound exciting to do? That is exactly how sensual sex goes down, and you yourself can experience it even without a partner once you visit PORN.COM as they have countless sensual sex videos for your viewing pleasure.

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