Jail Porn

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Just a warning! Please don't drop the soap while you're in a prison bathroom. Why is that, you ask? Well, have you heard that men who haven't had sex in a long time would settle for another guy in prison, even if they were straight when they first got in? Men have needs, and their biological needs include having sex every now and then. But when they're backed up into a situation where they just can't whip out their dick to penetrate a hot gal, they turn to other options instead. They actually don't give a damn if they're straight, as long as they get to stick their dicks up a real person's ass. They've been deprived of their sexual needs, so it doesn't matter if it has to be with another man, as long as they would finally get to feel skin-to-skin contact again. And because when picking up soap or anything else off the ground, a person's usual response would be to bend over backward just to be able to reach that thing to pick it up. This, in turn, would give sexual predators an opening to penetrate your ass as you are more than vulnerable to fight back. If you did, you might get into an accident given that there is water everywhere, which would cause you to lose balance and slip. So just give in to his sexual desires, who knows? You might even enjoy it! Your ass is all wet from the shower anyway, so your hole is most likely slippery enough to accept guests inside it, even if you are not physically and mentally ready for that.

Gay Jail Porn

On the other hand, if you're already gay even before you got in jail, the chances are that you already know the thing about dropping soaps during bathtime. And because you also see this as an opportunity to be in a position where another man would just stick it up to your butt even without asking, you would most likely drop your soap deliberately. You might even shout "Oh no! I accidentally dropped my soap on the floor and are about to pick it up. I hope no one is planning to sodomize my ass while I bend over to get my soap!", as if you were telling them to do exactly that. Jail guards won't stop you, and the same could be said with the warden. They don't give a damn about these sexual abuses, because they might accidentally be on the receiving end if they tried to break up those who dared to do it in the prison bathroom. In any case, this is the only time that men could satisfy their sexual needs in prison.

You might not be in prison right now, but you're probably imagining possibilities just in case you do get incarcerated yourself. Well, you actually don't need to commit crimes in order to see all the action that is taking place inside prisons all over the world. With just a few clicks of a button, you could check out PORN.COM to see all the jail porn videos your dick could possibly handle.

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