Game Show Porn

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With all the game shows available on TV, it's hard for you to find one that you would really enjoy. Most, if not all of these game shows offer tangible prizes like cash, cars, and even properties. The motivation to push the contestants to do their best is obviously there, but sometimes, it isn't as fun to watch given that not all contestants have what it takes to win. Some of these shows require you to be knowledgeable in various facts about the world like what is the capital city of this particular country or what characteristics does this particular animal has. You can't really expect the average person to know all those things, that's why it's common for people who watch these shows laugh and facepalm themselves, especially if they know the answer and the contestant on the show does not. But what if people competed about something that they all know how to do, but have different levels of skills per person? No, this isn't about a particular sport or playing a particular musical instrument, as not all people know how to do these things. There should be a game show where you are pitted against other people doing something that is universally known so that you could really measure up your skill on that. If by now, you haven't figured out what this particular "skill" is, then maybe you live under a rock or something. Once you turn eighteen, you should at least have a vague understanding of how this works, and that's the biggest clue if you still haven't figured it all out. The answer is pretty simple, and the skill you should be showcasing is that of your sexual prowess.

Gay Game Show

Imagine being able to compete in a game show that lets you display your innate skill of shooting your cum several feet away from you. Or showing off just how many pelvic thrusts you could do in a short amount of time. Or how long you could make your dick when you stiffen it up. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have game shows like these? Well, these "skills" are definitely not TV-friendly, but the good thing is that the internet is a place where you could do all these, albeit without the luxury of being able to do it in front of a live audience in Hollywood or some other place where they shoot TV shows and such. Show off how long you could hold your orgasm while a hot stud strokes your dick. Or maybe even display to the world just how deep you can suck a cock, shaft and balls included. It would be nice to know who could hold the world record in these areas, and for that, you could trust that PORN.COM can provide that kind of entertainment for you. Once you visit the site, you'll find that there are tons of game show porn videos where random people compete on doing sexual acts like blowjobs, pelvic thrusting, and more. You'd be amazed, but at the same time surprised, as some of the things shown in these videos would really seem impossible to do.

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