Enema Porn

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An enema is normally a medical procedure wherein there is an introduction of liquid, mostly mineral oil, through the ass and into the large intestines. It is usually given to treat constipation or to empty the contents of the bowels before a colonoscopy. With that description, it is a wonder how it has been attached to eroticism. Well, for those who still do not know, using enema properly can produce a very pleasant feeling. It can make a dude as horny as fuck, that is why millions of gay men love doing it either solo or with their partners.

Gay Enema Porn

If you are curious, there are plenty of movies you can watch to satisfy your curiosity. If you want a solo amateur movie, you can catch " Bottomboyxs Garden Hose Enema". In this movie, you are already treated to a naked body outside the house and in the garden using a garden hose to give himself an enema. You can see the hose inserted up his ass with the water running. The water gushes in and then out of the guy's ass, and you can tell he loves the feeling. He then puts his five fingers inside his ass, which by now is wide open. He gives himself nice fisting until of course, he is satisfied.

Another highly recommended movie that you should watch is "Asian Twink Squirting Enema After BJ From Doctor and Making O". The movie starts with a twink, perhaps feeling that there is something wrong with him physically, and goes to the doctor for a check-up. It is a good thing that the doctor is around, so the doctor is able to check him. First, he asks the Asian Twink to remove his shirt so that he can check for his heartbeat. After using his stethoscope and finding out he is okay, he asks the twink to take off his pants, which the twin promptly does. What happens next is so shocking: the doctor bows down to give the Asian twink a blowjob! The twink, perhaps enjoying the experience, lay on the bed still. After the blowjob, the doctor decides to give the twink an enema, so he tells the twink to spread his legs. This gives the viewers a nice view of the twink's smooth asshole. While the enema is being performed, the twink lay there silently. After performing the enema, the doctor took a bowl and then waits for the water to gush out. A few moments later the water did get out, with the doctor catching all of them in a bowl.

Watch more of enema porn movies only at PORN.COM. At PORN.COM, you will find all the best, the latest, the classics, and the greatest porn films ever made. What's more, a lot of these movies come in HD, so you can have the clearest pictures for your enjoyment. The site offers only the best, and all of these are worthy of your viewing pleasure. If you need inspiration for your sex activities with your boyfriend or something to keep you company as you masturbate, this site is for you!

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