Dare Porn

38,933 Videos

They say that the more recent generations are prone to doing dares and other stupid things while being recorded just to get more likes and views online. These young and barely legal teens crave for attention, and even though they're already in college at the very least, they would still participate in these so-called challenges online where they do something completely stupid just to be recognized by their peers. People who grew up before them were already trying to juggle between working odd jobs and passing their exams even at the tender legal age of eighteen. Guys who are the same age today just want to be noticed by random people, wanting to get their approval even if they have absolutely no impact on their lives regardless if they get recognized or not. Well, you have to admit, it's fun to watch silly teens who are supposed to be working after getting kicked out of the house due to them reaching the age of eighteen doing things that anonymous people on the internet have dared others to do. Lying down in the middle of the road? Check! Asking random strangers to slap them or to scratch their itchy balls? Yes! Eating things that aren't edible, to begin with like laundry detergent pods and the like? Fuck yeah! But these dares don't just stop there, because it's already common knowledge that there are perverted people out there would want to dare others to do sexual acts in front of the camera and then upload it online. So, which side are you on?

Gay Dare Porn

The idea of doing trending dares about you doing some naughty stuff on camera isn't really a new thing in this day and age. But because of the internet, you could now easily find these dare videos and watch as many of them as you'd like. Some are still stupid, but arguably still sexy. Others are just downright ridiculous, as they would try to do sex positions that can only be done by those who are physically fit to do it. Some examples are trying to deepthroat three dicks at once, bathing in a tub full of cum, getting your ass fisted by a guy who's twice as big as you, and enduring a solid kick to the balls. Not only is it fun to watch, but you'll also surely get horny seeing other gay guys push their bodies to the limit. How do you wish you could do those same dares as them, huh? Or maybe you just want to watch other guys do these dares as you don't have enough courage to do them yourself? Well, if it's a dare about sex, then, sure enough, these videos will pique your curiosity at some point, regardless if it'll push you to watch more videos like these, or go ahead and do them yourself. Whatever your reason may be, you can rest assured that PORN.COM has got your back. You do know that these videos will pop up somewhere right? And if you'd like to see where exactly would you find the best dare porn videos, then you've already come to the right place!

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