Christmas Porn

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It is that time of the year when good fuck buddies are dear, taking time to give cum to one and all! Yes, it is Christmas, and it is such a great time to watch your favorite Christmas porn videos! To some people, Christmas is probably not the time to think about porn. There are so many things to do during the Christmas season after all. Parties come one after another, family get-togethers are usually scheduled at around this time, shopping lists need to be crossed out, and spreading good cheers to the needy becomes the norm. That is true, but in case you still do not know, there are 24 hours in a day. Plenty of time for some extras, like having your college dude friend come over your house for a sausage party. You can never have too many parties, especially during Christmas time! And the best thing about it is you do not have to wait for Santa to deliver the goods.

Gay Christmas Porn

The best Christmas gift for porn fans is Christmas porn, and there are lots of them. Jocks, twinks, frat boys, and college dudes are horny 365 days of the year, and all the more during Christmas, when the weather is cold and everyone is drunk!

Watch the video on how a jock empties Santa's sac during Christmas. Everybody knows that Santa goes around the homes of the nicest kids in the world every Christmas Eve. Now, this jock has been good all year, and he knows that. For being good, he knows he deserves a gift from Santa. So when Christmas eve came, he waited for Santa Claus to come down the chimney, making sure that Santa would have his milk and cookies ready for him. As the clock struck 12MN, this jock heard something, or someone, come crashing down. As he checked, Santa Claus was there in front of him, to his delight. But his delight turned into dismay when Santo told him that the gift he brought is not for him but for his kid brother. He is too old to get a gift from Santa. As Santa noticed the disappointment in the jock's face, Santa had an idea: he will reward the jock with something else. Santa then asks him to sit down, which he did. Santa then unzips his pants to reveal his dick, to the surprise of the jock. Santa rewards him for being good all year with a nice blowjob, which made the jock cum. He reciprocates, licking Santa's shaft and balls. He gives Santa a good rimming, and Santa enjoyed each activity. As he was about to cum, he pointed hi dick towards the jock's mouth, emptying his sac from all the man juice that had been stored in there. It seemed like Mrs. Santa did not have the time to clean it out.

If you still have not felt the Christmas cheers yet, why not go over to PORN.COM and click on all the Christmas porn videos that they have. This would surely give you good cheers!

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