Caning Porn

130,522 Videos

A cane on the butt during sexual intercourse is certainly fun, as long as it is done properly. With the popularity or Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and submission, Sadism and Masochism, or BDSM for short, sexual experience can be taken to another level by slapping their fuck buddies using a thin cane. If you are among the many who are not familiar with caning porn, this is the right place to be. BDSM has been around for ages, and as much as people find it fun and exciting, it can be quite boring after quite some time. This is where caning comes in. Caning porn can be quite unpleasant at first for those who are not used to it. There may be doubts surrounding its use in sex. There is the issue of abuse and that it may cause harmful effects. Some might even call people who engage in caning sex as having attitude problems. Caning while fucking may stir up different kinds of emotions between the sex partners. What is important is that you are two consenting dudes who are turned on by caning sex.

Gay Caning Porn

If you are not yet an expert on caning porn and want to try it out, here is what you need to know. As you start your caning sex adventure, talk to your partner about it. Ask him if he will be comfortable with caning, no matter if you are two hunks. With no proper communication, it becomes non-consensual play, which would put you in big trouble later on. Both of you should be on the same page about this.

If you are shy about talking about it with your boyfriend, ask him if caning, or even BDSM, is something he would like to consider to spice up your sex life. Caning in the butt is something different and invasive. It can be very empowering for a lot of dudes, but it may not be for everyone's taste and this is why you have to talk about it. If you still find it hard to talk about it with your partner, one thing you can do is to watch a caning porn movie at PORN.COM. Watching it together will open his eyes to it.

If you are looking for recommendations, try watching the movie entitled "Drum Caning", which looks at caning porn with some humor. It is a funny take on caning coupled with tickling, so this would not turn off your boyfriend. Caning porn movies, like all BDSM, are very hot and exciting to watch. At PORN.COM, you will find all the best, the latest, the classics, and the greatest porn films ever made. What's more, a lot of these movies come in HD, so you can have the clearest pictures for your enjoyment. The site offers only the best, and all of these are worthy of your viewing pleasure. If you need inspiration for your sex activities with your boyfriend or something to keep you company as you masturbate, this site is for you! So, have fun!

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