Boss Porn

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As a corporate slave who is trying to work his way up the ladder, what would be the fastest option to get to the top? You could either toil and sacrifice everything you have, including your free time for yourself, your family, and even your friends, or you could go the easier way which is to suck up to your boss. Well, most people would choose the first option, as they believe hard work is the only way to be able to reach the height of your job or career. But on the contrary, it's actually the slowest and most inconvenient way to be noticed by those in upper management if you really think about it. Playing politics and sucking up to your boss would surely catapult you up there within their ranks. But you know what? There's another way to go about it, that is, if your stomach could handle it.

Gay Boss Porn

You might think that most of those in the higher up of the food chain would be womanizers and misogynists, but that isn't the case all the time. In fact, you'd actually be surprised at how common gay managers are in any workplace in any industry. These gay bosses are easier to woo, as they are far worse than their straight sexual predator counterparts. They would even promote those working as janitors to high ranking positions if they were to agree to their sexual advances! For some reason, gay managers are more hungry for sex than straight ones, and they're not afraid of using their position and power to get what they want. On the other hand, it's easier to prey on gay subordinates as getting a promotion and getting their asses filled with cum is actually a win-win situation for them. No messy legal battles here, all because they would actually love to be given the chance to get promoted just by getting their dick sucked and their buttholes penetrated. Having sex with your gay boss is something that you would actually want, as you'll be getting lots of other benefits aside from the raise or the promotion that you'll be getting from all those sleazy encounters with him.

Gay bosses are very generous, as they are known to give more than just promotions to their juniors when they offer sexual favors in exchange for that. But of course, they would need to spread their buttcheeks wide open on a regular basis for them to continuously receive all that generosity from their bosses. Not only do they get a free pass to get a better position in the company, they would also be getting lots of gifts like cash, houses, cars, and the like. So why not give it a go yourself, right? It's pretty obvious that you'll be getting nothing but good things out of it, plus you won't need to find yourself a man because your boss will be more than enough for you, sexually and financially! Go see for yourself just how satisfying it is to offer your body to your manager in exchange for all those things when you visit PORN.COM to watch boss porn videos!

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