Behind The Scenes Porn

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Whenever people see movies that they like, they tend to search more about it. From the casts to the director, to the crew, and so on. It's not fair for people to be curious about what goes on behind the scenes of their favorite movies. No matter what genre a movie is, it's always nice to see how everything was done, from the props, the makeup, the stunts, and even the special effects if there are any. Most of the time, people get surprised as to how good actors portray their characters in these movies, especially if they've done some drastic things like losing or gaining weight, and even training themselves physically in order to achieve what is needed for them to fully immerse themselves in the character of who they are playing. These behind-the-scenes footage are really fun to watch, especially if a movie is under the action, fantasy, or sci-fi genres. But there are also other types of movies that people would love to see what goes behind those scenes when the cameras aren't rolling.

Gay Behind the Scenes

In this day and age, it's easy to apply special effects to scenes and films that need them. But in other movie genres, special effects might not be needed but the things done in those scenes are still hard to believe to be done by normal people. This holds especially true in porn movies, where you'll see guys maintaining their erections much longer than how much average people can. Think about it - wanking your schlong only takes a few minutes before you finally bust a nut. But these actors seem like gods as they would almost last the whole film and only reach orgasm at almost the end of it all. Sure, it might be impossible for most people, but for those who are in the adult industry, they've actually mastered the art of muscle control in order to nut exactly when the director wants them to.

If you watch behind-the-scenes footage of these sleazy films, you'll find that most of these guys could really hold it in for almost an hour, even if they've been sucked and stroked so much throughout the whole ordeal. It's amazing, really! Being able to hold it all in even after a hot guy already exerted all his energy in trying to make you cum, that's totally insane! Normal guys would burst within a few minutes. Seasoned veterans might take a few more minutes longer, but these otherworldly pornstars are just unbelievable when it comes to stopping themselves from bursting more violently than a popped balloon full of water even after all that stimulation.

Don't you think that it's time to see if the things that these pornstars are able to do in front of the camera are real? Could they really keep themselves from cumming even after seeing hot naked dudes in front of them, even after them sucking and stroking on their dick? Well, you best believe that it's all possible once you visit PORN.COM and watch behind the scenes porn videos of your favorite pornstars!

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A day 7 min
A nice day 6 min
Tease 15 sec

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