Amateur Threesome

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They say that three is a crowd. That's definitely true, especially when it comes to things that are supposed to be intimate like romantic dates and passionate sex. But one thing is for sure - adding one more head to what are usually intimate moments actually makes it more exciting. Why is that, you might ask? Well, first of all, there will be times that you'll get bored or fed up with doing things over and over again. Not that you want it to be completely different, but mixing things up does add spice to things that might have become too repetitive due to having the same circumstances every single time. Having a third wheel during a date does have its own merits like having someone to take pictures of you and your partner, or having someone carry your things while you and your partner enjoy the sights and sounds of wherever you are. Not that you want to make that third wheel a slave, but it's nice having a third opinion on what you and your partner should do next. And yes, that also includes sex.

Gay Threesomes

Not everyone has had the luxury of being able to participate in a threesome. First of all, your partner might not approve of such an arrangement, especially if you're not in an open relationship. But if you think about it, the only thing that's stopping your partner from saying yes is the fact that your third wheel might not perform according to your partner's standards. Well, you'll never know unless you try, right? Show your partner that having a threesome is actually very enjoyable, given the fact that you have another hand, and another dick to help with making things hot and steamy. Imagine you sticking your dick up your partner's ass all while he sticks his own dick into that third person in your team. The stimulation that he'll get from being fucked from behind and fucking someone from behind at the same time is something that any gay guy should have a shot at for at least once in his sex life. You can mix and match, as he would surely want to concentrate on one end as well, either fucking you or your third partner or getting fucked from behind while he just spreads his butthole wide open. Plus, if your partner loves getting cum all over his body, he'll now have twice as much semen potentially dripping from his head down to his toes once this is all over.

It's really not that hard to imagine yourself being in a threesome, especially if you're filled with lust. But face it, not everyone gets the chance to have lust-filled passionate sex with two other guys even if he wants to. In instances like this, you have another option, which is to visit PORN.COM and watch all the sleazy amateur threesomes that your dick can possibly handle. You might not be that lucky in real life to get in bed with two other horny guys who are also craving for dick, but if you watch these threesome videos, you could at least see just how it all possibly go down.

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