69 Porn

15,522 Videos

In a relationship, it is important to reciprocate every positive thing that your partner does for you. It's not that you need to keep score of who has done more for the other and crown whoever is leading that race, but it is important that you return the good deed as you and your partner are the only ones who would do those things for each other especially in times of need. It's your responsibility as well as your partner to cover each other's backs and mind that this is not exclusive to just house chores or paying the bills. You also need to be there when your partner needs to get his freak on, and so does he for you. It's those give-and-take relationships that work the best because this is what relationships are about in the first place.

Gay 69 Porn

Now, since romantic relationships are also about sex, the question is - what sex position is all about giving and taking? If you think about it, the answer is actually not that hard to find. You might think that most positions tend to favor only one side of the party, just like blowjobs and rimming. One of them exerts a lot of effort in using their mouth and tongue while the other would just lie down there while they get their dicks or butts stimulated by their partners. But the answer is actually within those lines. Have you ever tried doing the 69 position? It's actually pretty famous wherever you go, but for those who aren't familiar with it, you and your partner basically copy the position that those numbers represent. The circle end would be you or your partner's head, while the tail end is you or your partner's dick. You can already see where this is going just by getting those details, right? You suck off his dick while he sucks yours. It sounds pretty simple, but doing it is a lot harder than it looks. Getting sucked off is an amazing experience in itself, but sucking a dick and getting sucked yourself at the same time? You would definitely have a hard time focusing as you would feel both the pleasure of getting sucked and sucking a dick simultaneously! Do you need to concentrate more on sucking? But how about that tingling feeling that you're getting that you just can't shake off? Well, doing that would practice you in multitasking things, so if you're already a pro at doing a few tasks at the same time, then you won't really have any problems keeping up with doing this position. Just make sure that your partner is on the same boat, else he might stop sucking and just concentrate on feeling your lips rubbing against the head of his dick!

It's a pretty satisfying experience to do the 69 position even at least once in your life. But the problem is that you might not have the luxury of doing it all the time. Worry not, because you don't need to fantasize about it, you just need to visit PORN.COM and watch all the 69 porn videos that your dick could possibly handle!

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