Foot Worship Porn

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Slavery has come a long way. On the tip of the iceberg it is no longer being practiced, it is no longer apparent in most countries—at least not the same way it was at its peak many decades ago. On a less serious note, slavery is still being practiced or rather being applied in our every day life. It has engraved itself in our skin, in ways more than one, such as fetishizing it. We have learned to make sex out of slavery—sex slavery was frowned upon so many decades ago and is still questionable up to today however a lot of couples do play role this kind of narrative and make it fun and a parody out of it occurs. On of its manifestations is foot fetish—a lot of slaves back in the ages worship feet of their masters or lords so much. Because feet are deemed to be the dirtiest part of a human body as it is the part you lay on the ground, so lords back in the day avoid their feet getting dirty while slaves wore no footwear. Masters and the dominant ones got their feet washed and cleaned by slaves. Moreover, slaves kiss their feet when begging for mercy, so for sexual activities and porn the power structure and dynamics between a dominant and submissive is apparent when their is foot worship happening. Obviously the one worshipping the feet is the submissive one.

Foot Fetish Porn

Despite being known to be a part of the body most prone to ground dirt, a lot of people find feet sexual and arousing. Older men specifically find it super sexy, the reason why there is a trend among sugar daddies asking merely for feet pictures alone without the need of any other part of the body anymore. While some people are baffled and do not get the hype surrounding this fetish, it is a fairly popular fetish as a matter of fact. On PORN.COM alone, you will be shocked at the amount of viewership this fetish gets. So do not feel weird for feeling attracted to feet—especially women who have dainty, clean, and small feet. According to studies, it is because they shaped like a sexual organs and often embarrassing for other people to look at so shame adds to the element of arousal. If you are a straight man feeling horny at pretty feet, you are not alone as a lot of straight older men think it is a rather attractive body part that is underrated. But women and porn stars know that there is money and huge potential for feet in the industry—so you will see tons of sev vides in the future featuring foot worship. Toes and the heels are often licked and sucked just like any other part of the body in porn that it has stopped being weird and odd. It is the new pretty and trendy part of a female body that is easily viewable compared to concealed ones such as the tits and the ass!

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