Flat Chested Porn

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Boobs are great, and you can’t really argue with that. Admit it, the first thing you notice when you see a woman is her breasts. That’s why a lot of men get scolded whenever they talk to women, and it’s because they can’t keep their eyes up and looking at their face. Instead, their eyes keep wandering just a little bit lower. Sure, there are also men who’ve mastered the art of maximizing their peripheral vision. They can talk to girls without being noticed that they’re more focused on what’s beneath their faces. You can’t really blame men for this obviously perverted habit. But the reason why isn’t because they’re just straight up perverts, but rather because men have been hardwired to find potential mates based on how their breasts look like. And yes, the norm would be if a girl has bigger boobs than most, then she would be the most suitable candidate to mate with. But these days, men aren’t really held back by their primal instincts anymore. Well, that is partly the case anyway.

Tiny Tits Porn

There has been a rise in the number of men who actually prefer it the other way around. And for these guys, they believe that girls with flat chests are more attractive than those who have big, round, bouncy ones. To each his own, right? These men would forgo seeing big tits jiggle up and down in favor of smaller ones that are actually more sensitive. For these men, less effort would be needed because women with flat boobs are more vulnerable to get that tingling sensation as compared with girls who have bigger jugs. It’s the same logic as with people who have more fat on them, this layer of fat covers the nerves that send signals to the brain whenever they feel anything – touching included. So it really does make sense that flat-chested girls are more prone to being aroused because of that.

Now you know the secret why there are men who prefer women who have small titties, why not try it out for yourself as well? For sure, you know lots of girls who have a smaller-than-usual set of breasts. Try your luck, see if they would agree to let you touch their tattas. If it goes well, then you’ll find out that the saying is true about them. Just make sure you finish the job, unless you want to feel her wrath! But if all else fails, you still have the option to go online and check out flat chested porn videos. There are actually tons out there, you just never bothered to check until now. Seeing the trend that they really are more sensitive when their breast size is next to nothing. You’ll find that they moan louder and would get wet easier. They even cum more often if the guy they’re having sex with makes sure that their tits never gets a second without a hand or mouth stimulating it. So if you’re curious as to how flat-chested women really are in bed, then go visit PORN.COM to see for yourself!

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