Fat Asian Porn

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Are Asians fat at all? Americans probably do not think so. What they perceive as the typical Asian body is one with small waists, small to medium sized tits, slender legs, nice black hair, and small eyes. When they are naked, they are so fuckable. And when they sweat, they look so hot. Of course, fantasy is way off from the real thing. Because yes, there are plenty of fat Asians, but that does not mean they are less hot than the skinny ones. In fact, there are plenty of fat Asian porn stars, and fans love them. Yet, there is no doubt that the media has the ability to shape what people think is beautiful. It is widely known that thin is considered more attractive. You can see in magazines and billboards images of women who are thin and “sexy”. You do not see fat models. Many people think this is unfair, especially those who are on the obese side. Some people say they have eating disorders which is making them fat, and should not be judged by society for being overweight. Obesity in America is really a big problem, something that the Health Department is currently addressing.

Chubby Asians

Did you know that once upon a time, fat women were the ones considered very attractive? The fatter a woman was, the more attractive she became. Fat women were considered nobility, while thin women were considered simple folks who had to go out to the fields to work. All the rich women did at that time were to eat. They eat until they vomit, actually. This was during the Middle Ages; yes, it was a long time ago when fat was considered pretty and sexy. These days, admirers of fat people are considered a subset; meaning they are just a part of a larger set. They see overweight women as the ideal women for them. These fat admirers do not think of themselves as weird and are in fact very open about it; they do know that it is not accepted in the mainstream society. Fat women will have to fight the stereotypes. It may be unfair, but that is what it is right now. Even fat men do not suffer as much; women carry most of the brunt.

Perhaps, people who belong to the larger subset should get a hold of pictures or videos of fat Asian women to convince them how beautiful fat ladies really are. Probably a fat Asian porn star in a sex video would be much better. It is not that the porn stars are prettier; all fat Asians have a certain charm. But with a porn star, one can see what a whole naked body of a fat Asian looks like. She has clearer skin, nice curves, big bouncy tits, and well rounded ass. She screams like a baby as she is being fucked too. This is no time to body shame people for their size. They should be appreciated just as any skinny people are. If you want to see fat Asian porn stars in action, check them out at PORN.COM. They have the widest collection of amazing fat Asian porn videos. Have fun!

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