Erotic Porn Videos

219,533 Videos

There are many ways to watch porn. There is actually a strong stream of supply for porn films, all targeting different tastes. There is hardcore porn, where actual details of sexual acts are shown, mostly in a violent or unpleasant way. You can watch Bondage/DIscipline, Dominance/Submission, and Sadism/Masochism, or BDSM – which plenty of people enjoy watching for its sadism; people get slapped silly, or tied to a rope whole being penetrated. There is gangbang, another porn fan-favorite because it involves more than two people fucking; a cornucopia of pleasures in once exciting scene. Then there is a new genre; one that looks more real. It is still porn, but it seems like instead of a man and a woman fucking, you will be watching a couple making love. Yes, there is such a thing. Most people call it erotic porn videos.

Erotic Porn

How did erotic porn videos come about? Well, porn is still the domain of men, and when we talk about men, they always like high testosterone porn action. That is where hardcore, BDSM, gangbangs, and other forms of porn videos are useful. Recent surveys, however, show that more and more women are watching porn too. What seems to be taboo for the ladies is an acceptable form of entertainment to them nowadays. This is where erotic porn videos step in.

Erotic porn videos a can be described as a tamer, more seductive kind of porn films. This is something you can watch with your girl for those steamy nights. This can be called a female friendly version of sex videos. Here, no women are punished, slapped, or hung upside down. It is pure sex, like watching two people in love. The kisses look real, the embraces more heart-felt, and the penetrations seem more hotter. One thing noticeable in erotic porn videos is that the stars look young; obvously MILFs do not fit in to erotic porn anymore because they tread more on the hardcore video classification.

Are these erotic porn videos made for women? Certainly not, proof of which is that there are a huge number of male porn fans who search for erotic porn videos on the internet. But there is no doubt that when females write and direct porn films, it will be in the way of eroticism. After all, they are better at showing love, lust, and intimacy in sex. It actually looks better with a point of view coming from a female. And here, the orgasms look way more authentic too. You can feel the sexual tension and the energy coming out of the screen. When the girl screams, you know it is out of real pleasure, and not because the director instructed her to do so. There seems to be no boring moment in erotic porn videos.

Erotic porn videos is not just porn, it is an art form. Or maybe you can call it art porn. If you want to witness a different kind of art, you can find them on PORN.COM. This is where you can find the latest and the greatest erotic porn videos, so catch them now!

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