Chastity Belt Porn

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Chastity belts were originally made for the purposes of protection of women from sexual assaults and conduct against a man who does it by force. It is a sort of mechanical belt worn to prevent the entrance of any penis to a woman’s genitalia and also to prevent the one who is wearing from touching herself and the likes. Despite this original purpose, the world of porn is all about putting a twist on it. It, of course, made it sexual and completely contrary to what it is supposed to make for. These days, in the recent generation, the chastity belt is used by the BDSM community or in bondage porn where it is used and worn by the submissive one to prevent themselves from having an orgasm just yet or from touching themselves without the consent of the other. These days it is often worn by either man or the woman—to add spice to the sexual act and to prolong the overall pleasure, men and women of the BDSM community do everything to make it riskier and whatever it takes to suspend the orgasm of one another. The dominant one usually serves as the keyholder to this complicated mechanical belt, the other cannot obviously cum without the help of the other thus effectively making them their sex slaves. It will make the other beg and beg for his cock or perhaps pussy—in cases where they are both extremely horny that any desperate measure is resorted to. They start to beg and crave for the attention of the man. This drives any man crazy and that is how most people who engage in BDSM mostly thrive.

Chastity Belt Sex

Chastity belt porn is for both men and women these days, it can be worn by both sexes in case both kind of want the delay in their orgasmic release. Not only it is kinky but it is also kind of hot when worn by women who are deprived of pleasure and moans her man’s name in the name of orgasm! If you want to witness a woman go out of control begging to be touched by her man and begging to fuck, then you are in the right genre!

Looking for more porn like this? Visit PORN.COM to enjoy all the latest and the greatest sex videos featuring chastity belt porn there are on the internet. They are all of the high definition and premium quality, which all range from You will not be disappointed with the amount of content this kind of porn suit you, whatever ethnicity or nationality you prefer to wear this kind of mechanical attire—you can expect that type of porn. Chastity belt porn is perfect for those who want to add a bit of excitement in their practice or sex or porn in general—prolong the pleasure and the ecstatic feeling you have forming in between your legs but restraining yourself or your woman from cumming!

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No penis sex 13 min
Wet and horny 7 min

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