Asian Fisting

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Looking for something a little more extreme? Something more bold and dirty and perhaps a little impossible to perform in real life by ordinary people? You have cum to the right genre! Fisting is a popular sexual act, in real life and in porn, however in reality it is rather hard to actually pull off. First of all, it is not super safe for literally anyone who just decides to try it. It takes a lot of practice and stamina and consent on both parties to perform this one. This basically refers to inserting the man’s whole first inside the woman’s vagina—that is right! It is like your penis penetrating a pussy but this time it’s your hand in a fist. Fisting can be really arousing and pleasurable if done right. Your hand has to be clean and just the right size to be able to get inside the pussy and to get it out. No jewelries or accessories, no long ass nails for it to hurt. Once inside, you can slightly move your hands and fingers a little to bring in several sensations inside a woman’s pussy.

Asian Fist of Fury

If you feel like this is impossible to do, you should definitely check the genre on PORN.COM! In this website you can access several sex videos on fisting which can let you see how it is done right. If you like Asians and have the yellow fetish, you can also throw in the word to make it Asian fisting. Asian porn stars love this and it is a popular kink among their porn stars. The reason is that Asian men do not really have huge dicks, but their hands can be pretty big and sturdy. So it is just like inserting the cock inside their tight and wet pussies except that it has a life of its own. This can be very graphic and probably painful to look at—but you will be surprised at the amount of views these sex videos get! There can be hundreds to thousands of views and an endless content on Asian fisting. They are all of high quality and there will be a lot of zooming in so worry not at all about seeing the wild action!

Asian pussies are tight and hot inside, if you want to know how it is like deep inside them you should definitely fap to this kind of material and project. It is relatively easy to cum to this kind of video because it is mind-blowing dirty! Maybe even unethical for some but hey, it is literally porn! Porn is where you get to think and visualize stuff you cannot really do or pull of in real life. Asian fisting will probably remain a dream for a long time for some of you all, but porn is here to fuel your wildest fantasies. Always remember that it is not only the tongue, fingers, or the cock that can get insider that sweet pussy hole—you can also reach for your dreams with your bare hands!

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